HOP talk 5. Nathan Glyde 22 February


The HOP talks

Eminent scientists and nature writers discuss what we can do to help

Join us once a month for a live talk from an expert in conservation. The talks are followed by questions and discussion with the audience. As well as raising money for the conservation charity chosen by the speaker, we hope to create a lively forum to inform and inspire individuals and communities to make tangible changes to to help combat the effects of climate change and environmental degradation.

Please call 01308 459511 to reserve your tickets. Numbers are limited and tickets will be essential.

5. Nathan Glyde

Interconnectedness: restoring our relationship with nature

Wednesday 22 February 7pm (Doors 6pm, bar and hot snacks available)

Tickets £10 Under 21s £5. All proceeds to charity. Extra donations can be given on the night.

Please call 01308 459511 to reserve your tickets now.

Human nature is intertwined with nature, but we frequently feel disconnected from it. At birth, we talk of a new being ‘coming into the world’ as if it came from somewhere else, when it is more accurate to say we ‘come out of the world’. Each moment we let go of our learned sense of separation we restore all living things, including ourselves to their full potential.

From this inclusive vantage point, it is only a short step to compassionate engagement, even with crises. Meditation is a relatively simple way to achieve the necessary shift in perspective. Meditation is commonly thought to be a process of acceptance or calming, but it is much more; it is a practice of creative perception through which we can cultivate a world view that empowers us to act.

Nathan Glyde is an Insight Meditation teacher and philosopher interested in the possibilities this tradition offers for transforming the world. He teaches regularly at Gaia House in Devon, and in 2004 he co-founded SanghaSeva to offer meditation retreats that ‘touch the world’ through social and environmental service.

Nathan Glyde

The HOP talks

The HOP talks are an initiative started by Philip Howse OBE (Professor Emeritus, University of Southampton) with Professor Sir Ghillean Prance FRS VMH CBE, George Monbiot, Clive Farrell, Dr George McGavin and the late James Lovelock CBE plus a number of other skilled and committed people who have given their time to help. 

The project aims to inspire and inform individuals, families and local communities with tangible actions to help combat the effects of climate change and environmental degradation, and to raise money for charities working in these areas, the charities chosen by each speaker.

Please join us, come to the talks and Help Our Planet 

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